Thursday, July 11, 2019

My space dammit!

As you probably know my dear bored reader, I live on the beach.  In the summer, some of the sights are, to say the least, surprising.

One thing I do not get though, is why anyone would want to anchor their boat 10ft off the beach directly in front of my house?  It is quite obviously occupied, noted by the fact that the dogs inside are barking at their stupid asses. 

I came home from work yesterday to discover exactly this.  A guy and two girls and a dog, all in their 20's (I can't speak for the dog) sitting in a speed boat directly in front of my windows.

We own to the water line here and in fact, have riparian rights to 100' from the water line.  While they certainly were not trespassing (although I have had people sitting on my beach in the past), this really is a little much.

My response to their invasion of my privacy is to invade their's.  I (and my dogs) went out to the lawn chairs with a binoculars where I proceed to sit and stare at them through them.  Creepy, I know.  But effective, because it didn't take them long to leave once they noticed me.

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